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095 – I Tested Her To See If She’d Give Up

FEBRUARY 8, 2024

109 – You Can’t Change The Past

FEBRUARY 1, 2024

083 – An Unbelievable Emotional Roller Coaster For Me

January 25, 2025


Success is Never Accidental

This episode features the Incredible Damon Davis, host of a podcast called WhoAm I Really? exploring the journeys of adoptees seeking contact with their birth families. I encourage everyone to listen to this amazing interview which digs deep into the complexity of adoption and identifies strategies which, if followed by all involved, makes the process of reunification more likely to succeed. 


Success is Never Accidental

This episode features the Incredible Damon Davis, host of a podcast called WhoAm I Really? exploring the journeys of adoptees seeking contact with their birth families. I encourage everyone to listen to this amazing interview which digs deep into the complexity of adoption and identifies strategies which, if followed by all involved, makes the process of reunification more likely to succeed. 


Dr. Drew: Damon Davis

This week Dr. Drew is joined by author and podcast host Damon Davis. Damon is the host of the ‘Who Am I Really?’ podcast where adopted people share their stories of adoption & attempts to find their birth parents. 


Dr. Drew: Damon Davis

This week Dr. Drew is joined by author and podcast host Damon Davis. Damon is the host of the ‘Who Am I Really?’ podcast where adopted people share their stories of adoption & attempts to find their birth parents. 


Tommy Davidson, Living In Color – What’s Funny About Me

Comedian television and film actor, and all around entertainer. Tommy Davidson has seen it all. He launched his comedy career in the Washington DC area. Capitalizing on his innate ability to entertain people and make them bust out in laughter. 


Tommy Davidson, Living In Color – What’s Funny About Me

Comedian television and film actor, and all around entertainer. Tommy Davidson has seen it all. He launched his comedy career in the Washington DC area. Capitalizing on his innate ability to entertain people and make them bust out in laughter. 

More Featuring Episodes

Comedian television and film actor, and all around entertainer. Tommy Davidson has seen it all. He launched his comedy career in the Washington DC area. Capitalizing on his innate ability to entertain people and make them bust out in laughter. 

Fostering Change Podcast | Episode 159 | Damon Davis

In this week’s episode of Fostering Change, Rob Scheer talks with author and podcast host Damon Davis.

Around Foxborough #156 • “Who Am I Really?”: Damon Davis

Posted by  on  in Around FoxboroughStudio Shows

Around Foxborough #156 • “Who Am I Really?”: Damon Davis

Posted by  on  in Around FoxboroughStudio Shows

Adoption: The Long View Podcast w/ Lori Holden

303: Helping Your Child Put Together Their Identity Puzzle

157 Damon Davis

Listen in and you will discover that you are not alone on this journey.

157 Damon Davis

Listen in and you will discover that you are not alone on this journey.

Order Your Copy of Damon's Book "Who Am I Really - An Adoptee Memoir"

“Who Am I Really?” is a question many adoptees ask themselves when they realize they have another family of genetic relation. In his book, “Who Am I Really? – An Adoptee Memoir” Damon L. Davis shares his journey through life as an adoptee to becoming an adoptive parent himself. He explores his desire to find his birth family as sparked by the flood of emotions that accompanied the birth of his son, Seth — the first blood relative he had ever known. In his story, you’ll follow his introspection when considering a search for his birth family, while coping with the heartbreak of his adoptive mother’s mental illness. Within months of taking his post in the Obama Administration in 2009, Damon found his birth mother working only two blocks away and years later, his real birth father’s identity was revealed unexpectedly on AncestryDNA. You’ll be amazed by the coincidences that brought Damon face to face with his birth mother in a tearful, yet joyous, reunion. And your heart will be warmed by the acceptance of his birth father who didn’t even know he existed.

Get your copy of  Who Am I Really? – An Adoptee Memoir

“Who Am I Really?” is a question many adoptees ask themselves when they realize they have another family of genetic relation. In his book, “Who Am I Really? – An Adoptee Memoir” Damon L. Davis shares his journey through life as an adoptee to becoming an adoptive parent himself. He explores his desire to find his birth family as sparked by the flood of emotions that accompanied the birth of his son, Seth — the first blood relative he had ever known. In his story, you’ll follow his introspection when considering a search for his birth family, while coping with the heartbreak of his adoptive mother’s mental illness. Within months of taking his post in the Obama Administration in 2009, Damon found his birth mother working only two blocks away and years later, his real birth father’s identity was revealed unexpectedly on AncestryDNA. You’ll be amazed by the coincidences that brought Damon face to face with his birth mother in a tearful, yet joyous, reunion. And your heart will be warmed by the acceptance of his birth father who didn’t even know he existed.

Get your copy of  Who Am I Really? – An Adoptee Memoir


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Damon's Journey

I had the good fortune to be reunited with my biological mother, Ann, on her birthday! Later, I found my biological father through AncestryDNA and he did’t even know I existed.

I enjoy sharing my story, but every adoptee’s journey is very different. Subscribe to the show to learn more about how adoptees, birth families, and adoptive families are impacted by adoption.

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